David, O.M. and Famurewa, O. (2010). Toward effective management of nosocomial infections in Nigerian hospitals- A review. Academic Arena. 2(5):1-7.

Abstract: Infection control (IC), an integral part of safe, high quality patient care, is essential for the well-being of the patients, staff and visitors in all the healthcare establishment. The increasing awareness of hospital infections has motivated hospitals to improve their clinical hygiene practices. The practical details of IC are valid across all settings where healthcare is being provided globally. These rudiments need to be employed despite the consequences of constraints in wherewithal and support. They are intended to shield the patients, staff and visitors from exposure to infections and probably too, multiple antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and against the morbidity and mortality associated with these agents should an infection occur. Every effort should be made to ensure compliance with IC recommendations and/or regulations. As a first step, IC programme needs to establish the appropriate managerial structure within each level of the healthcare organization and to have defined roles and responsibilities for key personnel. This organizational structure is an essential element to the accomplishment of any public health agenda in order to ensure personal accountability and prevent system failure. [Academia Arena, 2010;2(5):1-7] (ISSN 1553-992X).

Key words: Infection control, nosocomial infections, hospital-acquired infection, healthcare workers, infectious diseases.